2018《以猶太根源解讀四福音書》特會 // 八月三日~四日

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Reverend/Pastor/Ministry Leader/Seminary Student
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這是一場不可錯過的北美聖經研習特會!邀請到的重量級講員邁克儒德(Michael Rood),他將以四福音書按照時間順序,排列出主耶穌服事時期所行的每件事。您將驚訝的發現耶穌所行的每一件事,皆與耶和華的節期息息相關,乃是天父透過愛子耶穌來應驗祂所制定的節期。神的話如此奇妙!八月三號及四號就讓邁克帶你穿越時空,一起回到耶穌時代吧!

About the conference:
The Chronological Gospels Bible by Michael Rood reorganizes Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, The Acts, and The Revelation in chronological order. Michael Rood will take you through Messiah’s ministry. As you follow along, you will be amazed by the connection of every event with the feasts of the Lord. From Aug. 3rd to Aug. 4th, join Michael Rood for a journey back to the time of Jesus.

邁克儒德(Michael Rood)是A Rood Awakening 事工的創辦人。其身份包括作家、歷史學家及聖經編年史學者。他所出版的書籍及教導,幫助了無數的基督徒得著啟示及亮光!這位國際級的聖經教師,將以猶太根源還原耶穌教導的現場,重新點燃你對聖經的熱情!

Michael Rood is an author, historian, teacher, broadcaster, and lifelong student of the Bible – the most unique “Biblical Chronologist”. His dig site is the Bible, and his tools are research skills gained from decades of Biblical study and the unique experience of living in Israel, surrounded by authentic – yet – dismissed historic sites that hold archaeological proof of the Bible’s most fantastic stories. Rood’s live teachings and video presentations showcase some of the most intriguing discoveries about the Bible in modern history, all with one purpose in mind: to reveal the TRUE Gospel of the Kingdom.

日期:8/3 7PM – 10PM
            8/4 9AM – 10PM
地點:真道靈糧堂 (Bread of Life Christian Church)

12765 Oaks Ave, Chino CA 91710
Bread of Life Christian Church 

